Make Money Blogging

As long as you have a blog, you may as well make another stream of income with it…

If you have people coming to your blog on a regular basis, you could easily make some money with the following:

By cutting and pasting one snippet of code, or having adsense set up on your blog, you can place Google ads on your blog. It is simple to set up and is an easy way to pull in some revenue from your visitors. Learn more on the Google AdSense page.

Other Ad Systems
Some ad placement services have special features and advertising methods that help increase clicks. A few of these are,

Sell Products
You can join relevant affiliate programs and link to their products in your blog.

You do not need to be supper popular to review products and services from affiliate programs. You can also get free products and services in exchange for reviewing what some companies have to offer. On top of that, you can place their affiliate link in your review.

If you feel good enough about a product, you can create a product page and sell that specific item how you like. Do not be afraid to create your own ads that direct visitors to your own product page!

If you have a proven traffic record, you can find companies that will “sponsor” your blog and pay you an arranged amount of money each month so that you will place their ad in a prominent place on your blog.

Write a Book
If you have created enough good content on your blog, take the “best of” your blog posts and turn them into a book. Sell your book on your site.

Membership Site
If people are willing to pay for your content, turn it into a “members access only” site.

Watch What Professionals are Doing
Places like make their living from ads on their site. You can bet that they have tested, and continue to test, many different ways of making money on their site. Pay attention and try the things they are doing.

Watch what top bloggers are doing and what is working for them. Look at what is popular on sites like and see how these blogs are placing their ads on their pages.


Here are a few things to understand when it comes to advertising on your blog.

Do Not Make Too Much “Noise”
Try not to place too many ads on your blog. They make it hard for visitors to concentrate and find the content that they are there for in the first place.

If people find that the ads on your site are too invasive they might get tired of it and leave for good.

Setting Up Blogger with Google AdSense

Wed 5th Setting Up Blogger with Google AdSense
Published by: Ceilidh on Wednesday 5th August 2009 09:50pm
These instructions will tell you how to add AdSense to your Blogger account so you can make money blogging. You will first need to set up an account with Blogger by going to On the main page, click the “Create a Blog” button and follow the instructions provided to set up your new blog account with Blogger and Google.

After completing the process to set up your blog, you will be redirected to your Blogger Dashboard. This is where you overview all your blogs. If you do not see your Dashboard, there is a link in the upper right hand corner of your screen, located in the top navigation bar. On your Dashboard page, under the blog you want to ad Google AdSense to, click the “Monetize” link. If you are already in your blog’s settings, click the “Monetize” tab (later clicking this tab will show you your earnings, reports, and allow you to customize your ads). The next screen will prompt you to choose where you would like the ads to appear on your blog (you can also add them elsewhere on your template later on if you’d like). Blogger recommends the first option of an AdSense block in the sidebar and one below the blog post.

Next, you will either need to assign an existing AdSense account to your blog (if you have one already), or create a new one. Simply click the applicable link. To create a new account, just complete the application on the following screen. After you are done with the application, your blog is now Monetized.

If you would like to add AdSense to your existing blog, you can do so by clicking the “Layout” link under the appropriate blog, or the “Layout” tab if you are already in your Blog’s settings. You should now be on the “Page Elements” option under the “Layout” tab. Here you will see a basic outline layout of your blog and its elements. If you notice in each separate section, there is an “Add a Gadget” link. Clicking this allows you to add features like a picture, slideshow, list, search box etc. To add a new ad box to your template, click the “Add a Gadget” link, scroll through the list of gadgets until you see the one for AdSense, then click the blue plus sign to insert it. You should now see options for customizing your ads. Choose the appropriate format size for the area you are adding the ad to. For example, you don’t want the 728x15 banner in your sidebar because it’s too big for that section. Next, choose the colors you would like the ads to be and then click “Save.” The gadget will now appear in the section of your blog that you chose to add it to. If you would like to change the position of the ad in relation to the other gadgets on your page, simply drag and drop the AdSense box to where you want it. Once you are done, be sure to save your changes.

Your Blogger account should now be set up with Google AdSense. In review, you should now know how to initially associate ads with your blog, attach additional advertisements, and change their placement and appearance.

Learn more about how to achieve higher rankings at the SEO Training Course social network.

Online Marketing Ideas & Resources

Most of you are probably already familiar with some of the established methods for online marketing. These methods include websites, email marketing, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization. Marketing experts use each of these items. Audiences have become inoculated to them as well. It is important that you seek new methods for making yourself known. Here are a few web site marketing ideas and resources to consider...

Effective SEO Copywriting Tips for Copywriters

When considering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content Writing, people often think that placing keywords in their content to achieve a certain keyword density is enough. This is not the case (anymore). Algorithms used by search engines have improved over time. They, now, look for more than just the frequency or positioning of specific phrases. Search engines now look for clues as to the quality and relevancy of the content. Ideally, your content should be good enough for other sites to want to link to. Search engines see these links as votes for your contents.

Keyword density is not as important as it used to be. What you need to do is construct a search engine friendly contents that incorporates keywords at important places. SEO experts call this keyword prominence. The writer of the content must work to achieve the highest possible standards in terms of quality as well as keyword prominence in order to satisfy search engines as well as people. The following tips have been listed to help writers achieve this goal.

Content Theme

When creating a website, or adding new content to your website, you should maintain a consistent theme throughout your content on all of the pages. All of your pages should be related to that theme. For example, you might choose to write about SEO as your theme then have different sections of your site dedicated to each major type of SEO. Make sure you clearly explain the main theme of the site on your home page.


Before you start writing content for your site, you first need to know what keywords you are going to be using. You can select these keywords using any of the keyword tools. You can find these on the SEO Training Course toolbar once you have purchased the course. With these tools, you are more apt to find good choices when selecting your keywords.

Another good reason to choose keywords before you create a website, or page, is that ideally your keywords will show up not only in your domain name, in your website description, the names of your pages, and even in the tagline for your company.

What is nice about taking this step is that when people link to your site, they will also be more likely to include your keywords within their link text. When they do that it helps your site rank too.

Place Keywords in Prominent Spots

It is no longer necessary to put keywords in as many places as possible. Instead, you want to place keywords strategically in places where they are most likely to be seen by potential visitors. For example, you can use them in titles, headers, image captions, alt tags, linking text, bulleted text and much more. With your keywords showing up in important places like this, your page will have a much better chance of obtaining top rankings.

Choose Keywords That Are Relevant

Make sure that your choice of keywords is relevant to what you are hoping to do with the site. If you are going to be selling a product, avoid any keywords that might have a negative connotation towards your product. Just using words that have high search volume is not enough. Those words need to be connected to your site's theme and purpose. Consider adding a few "long tail" words, which are longer phrases that also include descriptive terms.

Steaming – Use of Synonyms for Keywords

Another thing that will boost your SEO results is to use keyword synonyms within your content. Synonyms are words, or phrases, that could very easily take the place of your chosen keywords. Placing these into your content is a good practice to remember. The term used for using synonyms to help boost website rankings is "steaming".

Use Valuable Information & Relevant Content

When you are trying to achieve high rankings, you need to do more than lace your content with keywords. You also need to provide relevant and valuable information. If all you do is throw a bunch of keywords together, you will not rank, and if you do, it will not last long. Content that you write should be about the title and theme of your site – search engines look for this.

Use of Title Tags

Every time you add a new page to your web site, make sure to provide it with an original title tag. Do not reuse the same title tags for every page. If possible, try to include your keyword in that tag. Search engines like Google look at these tags when they are ranking your site. The last thing you want to do is miss the opportunity to impress them. Title tags should not only be keyword centric, they should also be catchy. Keep in mind that it is not only the search engines you are trying to impress, but visitors also.

Use Meta Tags

Meta tags include a variety of things that are sometimes invisible to the visitors of your web pages. They include, but are not limited to, Meta Keywords and Meta Description. The Meta Description often shows up in search engine results. If you use it properly, and write it well, it will provide valuable information for potential visitors as well as increase your click through rate (CTR). Not all search engines consider the Meta Keywords tag, but it is still well worth adding for the ones that do.

Use Text not Images

It is important to remember that search engines cannot see your pictures and do not know what is in them. For this reason, it is best to stick to plain text if you want that content to influence your rankings. If you do use images, be sure to use alt tags and title tags for your image.

Only Use original Content

The worst thing you can do is use duplicated content. You will never convince a search engine that you have a lot of content if all that content is repeated continuously on different pages. Most likely, this will cause your site to obtain lower rankings. Make each of your pages fresh and informative.

Update Your Pages

New content on a regular basis is a huge plus in the eyes of a search engine.

Optimize the Whole Site

People often only optimize their home page. Do not make this mistake. Almost any of your pages could appear in search results; by optimizing them, you are increasing your chances of getting top placement with different keywords.

Use a Linking Strategy

A very important part of SEO is the use of internal and external links. Using internal linking allows you to spread visitors over many pages within your site, thus also achieving better click through ratings (CTR). These links help to guide readers to the appropriate information on a site. External links are essential in that they provide more resources to your visitors (which search engines like). When linking to external pages, make sure that you link to content related sites.

Use the Right Number of Words

The word count you want to shoot for is between 250 and 1,100 words. It is common practice for writers to shoot for 500 words for the main article and a little less for other pages.

Create a Landing Page

The landing page's purpose is to provide visitors with a clear, attention-grabbing overview of a web site. They are great for optimizing because they often help drive traffic to the rest of your web site.

Analyze Your Site

Web site analytics are sometimes provided by the hosting service. The reports may provide you with clues as to what you need to do to improve your rankings and the sales of products on your site. Do your best to analyze those statistics and see what you can learn from them so that you can apply what you have learned toward improving your site.

Submit Content to Link Back

Creating articles and other social media that will drive people back to your web site is a good idea. Just make sure to submit them to trustworthy sites.

Keep Up to Date on Search Engine Optimization

For effective SEO Copyrighting you need to stay involved in the SEO community as well as receive updates on SEO techniques. By signing up for our SEO Training Course you will receive regular updates from experts as well as be provided with a toolbar that has all the best tools and information that you need to rank and maintain web pages. Our fee for providing you with all of these tools is $100.00. With it, you will receive a lifetime membership to the SEO social network as well as lifetime updates. Click here to learn more about the SEO Training Course and join the community.